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Fan Fiction

Destroying D. Fleet by djizzle

Destroying D. Fleet: Corruption
Date: 8 October 2007, 9:12 pm

"Lex we have a problem. There's a corruption in the system. It's some sort of virus. It's making its way through the statistics. We need you down here before it chomps it's way through the whole database."
"What makes you think I can do it?" I queried Captain Willis. "I'm only a Private. I haven't been out of training for even two years. I'm just Paul's apprentice… A backup, and nothing more."
"You're going inside. It's our only chance. The D. Fleet is destroying us bit by bit."
"You can't really expect me to enter the Hex and rid of the D.F., can you? You're sending someone with me, right?" Inside, I was trembling. I didn't care who was with me. I knew I had God on my side, so I shouldn't have been afraid, but I was.
"Of course. I would never send a Private into a corrupting database control sector alone. I'm not making you nervous, am I?
"No. Not at all."

"Suit up, boys. And you to, Lex, " barked the one man who I followed around during every drill. I wanted to punch Paul in mouth as hard as I could, but I was on a mission.
"Why would Willis send a Private as stupid as you to defend our biggest database in the galaxy. He still has no clue about what happened to you. Remember, during Evacuation Darcy. I never told him… You're welcome."
What happened at Evac Darcy was not exactly my fault. I suffered from a broken ankle just because of a miscommunication. You see, I thought Felix had said, "jump".
I saw the door at the end of the SCT tunnel that said, "Main Data Sector". My heart pumped quicker and quicker. Pump…Jump…See, they do sound alike.
I must have spaced out for the next minute or two, because before I knew it, we were in front of the door that I had read earlier. I wanted to turn around and go back to Captain Willis. I didn't.
The metal door seemed to crack right down the middle, as if something knew we were waiting behind there. Almost as if a Dexameer had shoved a D. Spear into it with such an intense force, that it split the steel into two pieces. That is exactly what happened. A barrage of bullets penetrated the air along with the Dexameer's alien flesh. Yellow blood poured out of the wound as the monster collapsed to the floor. The other aliens peered over their shoulders. There were Divios, Deliks, and more Dexameers. All of these breeds we had learned about. However, I had never encountered one.
The other Spartans and I continued to flood the creatures with ammunition until only three remained on their feet. All of which were Divios, the strongest we learned of. They told us in training that there were many others, but were too gruesome to speak of. One held a spear, and the other two, pistols from the emergency cargo unit. One of the beasts fired and hit Paul right in the foot. He fell to his knees while the aliens devoured all of the Spartans except for me, Paul, and one other.
I crawled over to Paul while the other Spartan crouched behind a barrel. I bandaged up Paul's foot as good as I could, so that the bleeding would stop. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up, but he had lost too much blood already, and was too weak to even attempt to stand.
"I won't let go until this is over, " I whispered to him. "I will hold on, even if I have to go with you. If we don't make it through, at least we'll be together in heaven". I heard him murmur something, but I couldn't make it out. I turned my head to see the other Spartan praying. I assured him, too, that we would remain together, even if we drifted away. I remembered seeing him at one of the FoCS meetings. The Fellowship of Christian Spartans was a good way to meet other Spartans who believed.
The Spartan managed to finish off the two pistol-bearing aliens, so that only one remained. I saw the alien reach his filthy hand out, towards an orange cable. It was the main cord. It was the wire that controlled the whole station. It ran to the memory catalog, which was already half destroyed.
"I'm out of ammo. You better act fast," said the Spartan. Lucky for me, I had remembered to save one bullet. Time seemed to freeze as I aimed my revolver at the idiotic Martian-man's head. I had to concentrate, but be quick at the same time. The world stopped turning for about three small seconds, which seemed like hours. My finger pulled the trigger an inch closer to me. The bullet edged out of the silver tube and sliced through the oxygen-filled, somewhat empty space. I realized that I was still holding onto Paul. Then I turned back to see a dead alien on the ground.
