
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Corrosive Turns by Divination

Earth's Darkest Hour
Date: 1 February 2004, 11:25 PM

As Liutenant Benig circled the interior of a large building in his Pelican, his face shifting from one side of the dropship to the other, he heard a crackle over his Comm 'This is Warrant Officer L.L Johanson! We are making a emergency landing in Sector 118 of New Nigeria!'. Benig slung his Battle Rifle and said into the Comm 'Roger that Warrant Officer, taking towards your location.'
Benig transferred the small audio conversation over towards the Pilot, and the Affirmative blue blink winked on in her visors. Benig looked below and saw what he hoped he never see; all of Earth's forces being crushed by a terrible onslaught of a evil extra-terriestal fellowship. Benig saw fire; All fire of which was coming from a certain area. He believed that it was the dropship of the Officer Johansons dropship. 'Warrant Officer! Halt, this is the LZ!'


Ralaziel stirred in his dropship, his mechanical eyelids moving from the light-coloured ship to his other comrads, yelling commands over the radio to the Underlings. After some Schultz's translated the Human Interface Communication System, they had each gaven the fellowship's species a unique diffrent name; The Underlings we're classified as Grunts, which many of us could not pronounce; The Schultz's were Jackals; and too our suprise, the Overlords we're classified as Hunters. It was amazing of what we could reveil of all of the sputtering Humanity. Although Cote D'Azur had many protections, and held the Prophet of Truth, it would take a single human to identify our homeworld. Colonization was easy of the other human planets orbiting through the system; But a counter-attack could be presice and critical, even for a delequint mind of a single human. As Ralaziel pondered, the Dropship landed... Raziel dropped out of his flying area and held his hand into the air and his platinum black armour flashed around the glass of humans and the Energy Blade drew. He yelled into the sky of the horrible atmosphere of Earth 'LONG LIVE ALL COTE D'AZUR!' The Schultz's cheered and laughed in tongues and ran towards the giant stone pillar.

Ralaziel leaped into the building, a splash of warm bullets flying over his shields. The Humans in armor yelled and continued firing a unknown weapon to the Fellowship; a weapon that had a small intergrity scope on the top of it. Ralaziel then took his eyes of the weapon, and dropkicked the Human through the window. He heared the cry of the voice and turned around, too meet 3 humans each holding a Rifle of their own kind, pointed towards him. Ralaziel remembered his acrobatics training and leaped into the air as the bolts flew, and stuck onto the ceiling. He slowly crawled around the ceiling, the Humans firing everywhere. He hid his energy blade around the middle region of his body and he saw that all the Rifles overheated; He laughed and dropped to the ground and slashed the Blade across one of the Humans chest, some of the blood flying onto his visor and armour. He saw the Human hit a wall, screeching in pain. His voice was a feeling of pure terror. He used his hands and grabbed the body and hit on of the other Humans, and laughed. He felt a large object point to his back; Of course. He most of forgotten that there was still one more Infidel. He felt it pressing it more against his titanium hard armor and heard a horrible tearing noise and a screech of pain. He turned around and saw a huge wound in the back of the Humans body, and saw a Plasma Knife twiliding around in midair. The shade of a Cloaked Lite was visible, and it unshaded itself into its normal figure. He was wearing crystal blue armour and his eye's we're a blood colour; It was Zitnis. Ralaziel twitched his head, intidcating a greeting. Zitnis did same, and he said 'Your apology?' Ralaziel lifted his neck to his and said 'May you be blessed.' Ralaziel and Zitnis shook their hands, and ran down the hallway. Ralaziel used the handsignal to indicate 'Scout for Enemys'. Zitnis obviously understood, and activated his cloaking device and dived into a very small structure. Zitnis announced the 'All Clear' signal and Ralaziel walked out and saw a ocean of flame; But he understood Zitnis' all clear signal. Ralaziel looked up and backflipped a amazing twelve feet and landed on his feet, his face shifting. He saw Zitnis climb up a wall; He was based for Stealth, and he knew that he was not trained for highly physical acrobatics. Ralaziel helped Zitnis up and they ran towards the end of the roof and leaped, Ralaziel's face in a calm emotion. He rolled and landed on his feet. He turned back and saw Zitnis, already on his feet. Ralaziel muttered under his oxygen tank 'Showoff.' Ralaziel looked around and saw what he least expected; about 16 Humans surrounding him with Human Rifles and the same new rifle he had seen inside the gigantic pillar. He drew his Energy Blade and saw the Humans take aim.
