Blam! Halo SETI Marines

Update on the last 7 days! (May 14, 2001, 0700 hours - May 21, 2001, 0700 hours PDT).

New members +3 Total members 617

New entrants to the top 500 in the last 7 days.

Noah 1712
NEO 272
JBetts 28
OTL 27
apa 24
Jonne 12
Kofi 11
Bounty 10

Members lost in the last 7 days.

Name Total unitsWhere they went
SHARkY 1927 Unknown
baldrik 1621 KopyKatz
blitcz 552 3030MUX

Results received in last 7 days Today's team total Last team total
1287 202189 200902

161 marines in top 500 crunched a total of 1381 units.

CPU time in last 7 days Today's CPU time Last CPU time
2.449 years 308.811 years 306.362 years

Top seven unit submitters in the last 7 days (excludes new recruits)

Order Name Units (7 days) Total Units Average CPU time per unit
La Crunch
Tharkhaad 105 9041 11 hr 16 min 34.5 sec
2) DarthFlounder 60 7845 15 hr 11 min 21.2 sec
3) Iden 58 1147 18 hr 16 min 43.0 sec
4) Alxnet 49 3277 9 hr 57 min 58.3 sec
5) Brian Towne 45 5134 8 hr 05 min 32.1 sec
6) Damon Clavuis 43 836 12 hr 26 min 18.6 sec
7) Banzif II 34 1598 5 hr 40 min 08.3 sec

Top seven climbers in the top 500 in the last 7 days (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)

Order Name Positions climbed New rank Old rank
JBetts 127 401 528
2) OTL 100 407 507
3) MircPopo 48 427 475
4) Jonne 45 482 527
5) Phasoms 42 413 455
6) Surfal 38 445 483
7) =NAV=Shadow 27 219 246

Results for 7 Day stats for 
April 9, 2001 April 2-April 9 2001 
April 16, 2001 April 9-April 16 2001 
April 30, 2001 April 16-April 30 2001 
May 7, 2001 April 30-May 7 2001 
May 14, 2001 May 7-May 14 2001 
May 21, 2001 May 14-May 21 2001 

Older results can be found in the Halo SETI Marines Archive

Stats not right? You have a question/suggestion? You found the Covenant? Then email us.
